Overnight Oats

for Every

Skin Concern

Overnight oats can be packed with all sorts of goodness and nutrients.


Whether you suffer from acne, dry skin, redness or want a head start on anti ageing – I have the overnight oats recipe for you!


Quick and easy to make! And these will keep you full all the way to lunch time (don’t miss out the Protein Powder for this!)


The best Protein Powder to use for your skin?


The Free Soul Vanilla Protein Powder – 


This has been formulated by nutritionists SPECIFICALLY FOR WOMEN!


Packed with tons of vitamins to balance hormones (say goodbye to hormonal acne), the entire Vitamin B Complex for hair, skin, and nails, as well as Iron, Magnesium and Omega 3!


*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I might get a small commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you.

Oats for Dry Skin


  • 60g rolled oats
  • 1 tablespoon of Protein Yoghurt
  • 120ml of Oat Milk
  • 1 scoop of Free Soul Vanilla Protein Powder packed with tons of vitamins to balance hormones, the entire Vitamin B Complex for hair, skin, and nails, as well as Iron, Magnesium and Omega 3 (the number 1 supplement for dry skin!)
  • A handful of Sunflower Seeds – this superfood is packed with Vitamin E and natural fats which soothes the dry skin and repairs dehydrated skin from within.
  • Half a chopped banana – full of fibre to flush out toxins. With minerals such as potassium and magnesium these help to nourish your skin from the inside out.
  • Raspberries – absolutely bursting with Vitamin C to significantly increases skin hydration. 
  • One teaspoon of Manuka Honey – a strong anti microbial which helps heal skin quicker and is amazing at soothing dry skin. 
  • 10g of Chia Seeds – these are what thickens the the oats and make them lovely and creamy. Plus extra benefits such as antioxidants, omega 3 and full of fibre. 


TIP – using Manuka Honey as a hydrating face mask works absolute wonders for dry skin. I was suffering from dry skin on my eyelids, and after one 20 minute face mask of Manuka honey they were soft and soothed, with no dry skin in sight.

Life. Changer.

Oats for Anti Ageing


  • 60g rolled oats
  • 1 tablespoon of greek yoghurt
  • 120ml of oat milk
  • 1 scoop of Free Soul Vanilla Protein Powder  packed with tons of vitamins including a load of Omega 3, L-Carnitine and Magnesium!
  • A handful of Walnuts These nuts are filled with omega 3 which slows down the damage to your DNA cells – meaning slowing down the damage to your skin!
  • Half a chopped banana – one of the best anti ageing fruits on the planet as they hydrate the cells and have a firming effect too. 
  • Bonus itemCollagen Powder! This Premium Collagen Powder is full of amino acids which are the building blocks for you skin. Collagen declines by 1% every year after you turn 20, so this supplement ensures collagen levels are maintained. 
  • One teaspoon of Manuka Honey your number one anti-ageing ingredient! It’s packed with natural antioxidants that help reduce damage caused by free radicals, such as the appearance of wrinkles. It also suppresses the enzyme that destroys collagen – leaving you with plenty in your skin.  
  • 10g of Chia Seeds – these babies thicken the oats and makes them lovely and creamy. Their high antioxidant content helps combat aging factors like free radicals, which directly affect your skin.

Oats for Brightening Skin


  • 60g rolled oats
  • 1 tablespoon of greek yoghurt
  • 120ml of oat milk
  • 1 scoop of Free Soul Vanilla Protein Powder – packed full of the entire Vitamin B complex that will shine through in your skin!
  • 10g of Flax Seeds these little beauties can do wonders to brighten the tone of your skin. It has antioxidants and a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids that can lighten scars, making your skin look more smooth and radiant.
  • Chopped Mango – these are packed with vitamin E and C, which together will protect your skin from environmental damage, leaving it glowing instead! 
  • Forever Beautiful Smoothie Powder – Filled with the top antioxidant berries from the Amazon rainforest (Açai, Acerola Cherries and Pomegranate to name a few), a spoonful of this will give your skin all of the nutrients to glow from the inside out.
  • One teaspoon of Manuka Honey – the properties in Manuka honey help remove dead layers of skin, leaving you with brighter and glowing skin!
  • 10g of Chia Seeds – these babies thicken the oats and makes them lovely and creamy. Rich in nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, iron and potassium, regular consumption of chia seeds can help boost skin luminosity and elasticity, making it glow from the inside out.

Oats for Clearing Acne


  • 60g Rolled Oats
  • 1 tablespoon of Alpro yoghurt (if you suffer from acne around your jawline/chin steer clear of as much dairy as you can!)
  • 120ml of Oat Milk
  • 1 scoop of Free Soul Vanilla Protein Powder formulated specifically for women to balance hormones – meaning those pimples around your jawline caused by Mother Nature will be gone! What a dream!
  • Frozen Blueberries and Strawberries – the top two fruits to get rid of acne. Filled with antioxidants, anti inflammatories and Vitamin C, everything your skin needs to clear out that bacteria. And frozen blueberries have even higher antioxidant properties than fresh!

  • One teaspoon of Manuka Honey – with super high antibacterial properties, Manuka honey will clear bacteria that would normally sit and create acne – leaving clear and glowing skin instead. 
  • 10g of Chia Seeds – as well as thickening the oats for that creamy taste, these tiny seeds have a healing effect on the skin that offers protection against the acne-causing bacteria, and helps diminish blemishes.

Oats For Repairing Acne Scars


  • 60g rolled oats
  • 1 tablespoon of greek yoghurt
  • 120ml of oat milk
  • 1 scoop of Free Soul Vanilla Protein Powder – formulated by nutritionists, filled with vitamins that will give your skin all the help it needs to repair those building blocks, including vitamin C, vitamin B and Omega 3.
  • 10g of Pumpkin Seeds contain niacin & folate – which both increase blood circulation and improve cell renewal, helping to repair the skin back to it’s original glowing self. 
  • Pineapple – rich in the digestive enzyme papain. This is known to remove damaged keratin that can build up in the skin and form small bumps. 
  • One teaspoon of Manuka Honey – Multiple studies have shown that Manuka honey can enhance scar healing and amplify the regeneration of tissue. You can also use this topically directly on the scar for extra skin brownie points!
  • 10g of Chia Seeds – the sheer amount of antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids helps to reduce acne scars and keeps skin healthy and radiant.

Oats for Rosacea


  • 60g rolled oats
  • 1 tablespoon of greek yoghurt
  • 120ml of oat milk
  • 1 scoop of Free Soul Vanilla Protein Powder formulated by nutritionists, filled with Omega 3 which is proven to help with Rosacea symptoms, reducing swelling, irritation and inflammation.  
  • Cherries – rich in polyphenols and vitamin C, which are both filled with antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties, proven to reduce face redness. (For ease grab a bag of the pitted frozen cherries from Waitrose and pour them straight in!) 
  • Blueberries are full of flavonoids that help fight inflammation. These guys also have chemicals that regulate your immune system, which can help reduce chronic inflammation, reducing redness in your skin. 
  • One teaspoon of Manuka honey – Trials have shown that Manuka honey is effective in treating rosacea. Manuka’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are amazing for reducing inflammation and redness in the skin.
  • 10g of Chia SeedsChia seeds have anti-inflammatory properties that calm red, angry skin such as eczema or rosacea. The omega 3 fatty acids help fight inflammation by helping the body in retaining fat soluble vitamins and inhibiting pro-inflammatory C-reactive protein.